How Long Before You Can Get a Buzz Again Juul

Vaping helps smokers quit, but other people like to vape as a hobby. When y'all commencement start to vape, information technology might seem like there's a lot to learn.

If y'all are a beginner or you lot just want a quick refresher, hither is a quick guideline of vaping dos and don'ts. Following these 16 beginning time vaping tips will give you a better vaping feel.

💡 Interested in how vaping devices work?

This guide to vape parts explains most of the mutual components of vaping devices to help you empathize what they do and how to cull and mix them.

The "Dos"

Innokin Sensis & Zlide Tank by Innokin

Exercise Keep Your Vaping Device Make clean

It goes without saying, this is the number one rule to have a better vaping experience. Your tank builds upwards residuum that tin affect the quality and flavor of your eastward-liquids.

Generally, you lot want to make clean your tank whenever you are changing your e-juice. You should thoroughly clean it by emptying it and submerging it in warm water at least once a calendar month.

If you lot are looking for a tank that is like shooting fish in a barrel to clean, you should go for MTL atomizers with removable 510 mouthpiece and replaceable glass, like the Zenith Pro Tank that makes information technology easier for yous to make clean when changing your e-juice.

Exercise Properly Shop Your E-Liquids

East-juices take a relatively long shelf life, but information technology doesn't hateful you tin exit them lying around. It is still perishable, and you should know how to properly store vape juice to maintain its flavor. Avoid exposing your e-juice to direct sunlight or leaving it in hot areas. The best place to out your vape juice is in a dark absurd place.

Do Change Flavors In one case in A While

One of the most common issues that vapers experience is what's called the "vaper's natural language." Yous might experience t when you cannot sense of taste your vape juice anymore. This is when your taste buds and olfactory glands demand a break.

There is generally cipher to worry about when your e-juice does non gustatory modality the same anymore. Vaper's tongue only lasts a couple of days and only affects your eastward-juice season, non actual foods. Furthermore, you tin simply switch to another flavor to continue vaping.

Do Do Proper Oral Hygiene

Proper oral hygiene goes without saying. But when you vape, yous are more than prone to experiencing problems if your oral fissure isn't make clean. Brushing your teeth isn't plenty, you should use mouth wash to fully clean your rima oris.

Aside from brushing your teeth to remove residue, yous should besides castor your tongue thoroughly. This is especially truthful when you are using a sweetened e-juice flavor.

The good news is that vaping poses fewer oral health risks than smoking cigarettes. Since cigarettes contain a lot of toxic ingredients, vaping is a better pick for people looking for an alternative to smoking.

Practice Experiment With PG/VG Ratio

Propylene Glycol (PG) and Vegetable Glycerin (VG) are ii of the few ingredients in e-juice. A ratio between these two ingredients can make up one's mind the intensity of season and thickness of the clouds. You can opt for a 50/50 ratio to get a residual between flavor and cloud thickness.

Do Wait for A While Before Puffing Again

One of the biggest mistakes a beginner can commit is chain vape. Your wicks demand to get saturated before you hit another vape. Generally, 15 to 30 seconds are plenty before yous take some other hit, but you lot can expect longer, especially if yous are experiencing dry out hits more often.

It can be difficult to become used to, especially if y'all're previously a smoker which doesn't require you lot to look for anything. Y'all can switch to east-liquids with high nicotine content to aid you accommodate to vaping without resorting to chain vaping.

Practice Gradually Decrease Nicotine Level If You Want to Quit Smoking

For many people, vaping is their way out of smoking. It's ok to apply a high-level nicotine due east-juice at showtime, but information technology should gradually decrease over time if you lot wish to quit smoking.

Not including nic salts, regular vape juice can have up to 24mg nicotine forcefulness. Yous can start with this level using sub-ohm vaping devices similar the GLIM Pod Kit. This device can give yous a satisfying vaping experience that meets your nicotine needs.

You tin can continue using vape pods, but you should gradually switch to box mods or other vaping devices that permit you to vape e-liquids at a lower nicotine level.

Do Find the Correct Vaping Device

As mentioned above, there are specific vape devices dependent on your needs. You lot can choose from different options when it comes to buying your outset vaping device. Whether you just want to vape as a hobby or you want to quit smoking, at that place is a specific device that can arrange your needs.

If you want to smoke nic salt juices, y'all tin try pod systems like the EQ FLTR Pod, a soft-tip device that gives you the familiar feeling of a cigarette. This is perfect for people who only got started switching.

For people who want thicker clouds for that satisfying vape feel, the legendary MVP5 AJAX 120W vape starter kit is the best for y'all. Information technology has a maximum of 120W which is higher than most of the other box mods available in the market. This allows you to vape with thicker clouds.

Practise Find the Device That Suits Your Aesthetics

Innokin Sceptre by Innokin

Innokin Sceptre past Innokin

Your vaping device should be something that you desire. In that location's a lot of options available in the market, simply chances are some box mods or vape pods might not fit your style.

Aside from deciding between a pod system or a vape box mod, you should also choose a device based on how information technology looks like. Lucky for you lot, information technology's easy to filter vaping kits on the Innokin Store. You can detect the right device in the color that yous prefer with its convenient filter system.

Do Switch and Experiment Betwixt Vaping Devices

Vaping offers you the ability to mix and friction match tanks, mods, coils, and juices. To find your perfect vaping organization, you tin can experiment.

You can start with an MTL vape device and so switch to a DTL vape device. For example, if yous have been vaping pods for a long time, you tin try a vape mod to run across if vaping thicker clouds gives you the same satisfaction.

You can besides try out different tanks. At that place are more often than not three types of tanks, refillable pods, RDA, and RTA. Depending on your style, you can pick one of these three. If you want to experiment, it'south also appropriate to have more than one tank.

Avoid these "Don'ts"

Don't Vape Without Permission

If you are visiting a friend'due south house or another establishment, you should ask for permission from the owner earlier you vape. Even if you are vaping 0% nicotine, people still don't like their places existence clouded up by vapor. It is common courtesy to inquire people effectually y'all if it is okay to vape.

Don't Disobey Smoking Rules

Speaking of smoking rules, some establishments provide a space for people to smoke cigarettes. Nevertheless, these places might notwithstanding accept restrictions about vapers.

Since vape devices fire off thicker clouds, it is a bad idea to vape in closed spaces. If you frequent places with a closed smoking surface area, you lot can get a mini vape pod like the I.O Pod Vape Kit that allows you to vape stealthily. It is capable of giving you strong flavors from your east-juice and is perfect for nic salts.

Vape shops also let people to fume in enclosed spaces, but they are sensitive to people who are smoking cigarettes. Since there's a large number of ex-smokers who employ vapes to quit smoking, it can be difficult for them to exist surrounded by people smoking cigarettes.

Don't Charge Your Device Overnight

One of the common mistakes of beginners is assuming that it is all right to accuse their devices overnight. Doing so can easily wear out its bombardment. Aside from ruining your battery, yous might also run the take chances of destroying your device if you proceed it charging overnight.

Yous can buy vape kits with overcharge protection to forestall harm to the device. The Adept & Zilde Starter Vape Kit is pop for its overcharge protection, among other safety protections, which makes it more durable than other vape kits.

Y'all can also apply a vaping device that charges faster, like the GoMax Tube that has a 3000mAh battery capacity but only takes 2.five hours to charge fully. With GoMax, yous don't have to wait long periods of time before vaping.

Don't Forget to Hydrate

If you lot vape often, you lot might feel your rima oris getting dry out. When yous are hydrated, you are less likely to experience a vaper's tongue.

Vaping can exist dehydrating since Propylene Glycol is one of the main ingredients of an e-liquid. Information technology hands absorbs h2o molecules that can deprive your torso of the water information technology needs. That's why yous need to drink more water than you usually.

Don't wait until you get dehydrated or thirsty earlier y'all drinkable water. Vaping dehydration is common amid beginners. With time you will call up to stay hydrated while yous vape.

Don't Chain Vape

People who desire to quit smoking and take switched to vaping are prone to concatenation vaping or puffing multiple drags in a short bridge of time. This can fire your coils faster and could besides cause dry out hits. This can also harm your device if you go on to chain vape fifty-fifty when you feel your vape device heating up.

You must allow your wicks saturate to reduce the possibility of a dry out hit. The general rule is to look 15 to xxx seconds before puffing once again.

For people who are trying to quit smoking, thirty seconds can be a long await. In this case, you can buy e-juice with a higher nicotine level. This will give you lot a satisfying and stiff nicotine supply in your torso and then that you will not be tempted to take another hit earlier 30 seconds is upward.

Don't Go Back to Smoking

If your goal is to quit, don't go dorsum to smoking as long as y'all are vaping. Smoking has a lot more side effects and toxic ingredients compared to vape juices. Switching dorsum and along from vaping and smoking cigarettes defeats the purpose of using a vape device to quit smoking.

If you are missing the nicotine loftier that a cigarette can bring you, simply switch your e-liquid to one with a higher nicotine strength. This will allow yous to experience the same nicotine high, without going dorsum to smoking.

You can gradually decrease the nicotine level of your vape juice until you are no longer addicted to nicotine. This has proven to exist one of the nigh effective ways of quitting smoking, only it takes time and patience to achieve, particularly if you lot accept been smoking for a long time.


Information technology can be a little daunting for a beginner to try vaping. Only I promise with this guide, y'all can become a better vaping experience no affair you're just getting started or you've been vaping for a while. In summary, you need to ensure that you lot are using the proper vaping device, accept care of your device, and lastly, be considerate of other people. Ultimately, the exercise's and don'ts of vaping are focused on common sense and courtesy.


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